Hempcrete . Construction Waste  Palimpsest2023
When remnants of different eras are found in the same layer, we speak of a palimpsest. In her project by the same name, This project seeks to provoke a revaluation of the life cycle of building materials in cities where new buildings replace old ones constantly. 
Lucie designed an architectural object in which pieces of construction waste are linked together by hempcrete. The designs unlock the potential of each fragment to convey narratives and evoke a sense of place. The project proposes a sustainable alternative to construction materials that, at the same time, unveils the hidden stories embedded within debris materials.
Hempcrete . Discarded Objects . TadelaktThe Thinking Hand Thinking : Les Ninis2023
This series of objects explores how the act of creating with one’s own hands can awaken an emotional attachment to discarded objects. The Ninis are filled with nostalgia and the empathy we felt as children for our possessions. Their soft silhouettes encourage attachment. The Ninis are a reinterpretation of the original elements hidden under a new layer of material, a call to reverie and reflection on what these objects were in the past, and what they have become. These pieces are built by assembling various objects and covering them with hempcrete. This material, originally reserved for architectural constructions, is adapted to the scale of the object for its plasticity and for the time it takes to be applied. Each layer requires special attention as well as the traditional «Tadelakt»  technique applied to the final layers.

Hempcrete . TadelaktHempBricks2022
HempBricks is a series of sculptures mixing bricks harvested in the streets of Berlin and the material «hempcrete». This series questions the idea of “reconstruction”. Hempcrete is added by filling in the gaps, or by extending existing elements. Once the hempcrete is shaped, it is then polished. The colours of the original bricks are reinterpreted, more vivid. The textures are confronted between irregular and smooth, rough and soft. The old and the new meet and form small sculptural objects
CeramicCeramic Bricks2022

This collection of ceramic bricks is part of an ongoing investigation around cities and the deconstruction of building material into creating new narratives. This research started by replicating bricks with ceramic. By taking out the main function of a brick, we’re looking at its essence as an object as well as researching historical and material qualities. Merging this research phase and later collecting personal experiences around this building material should lead to a compilation of possible stories and possible propositions on how to think about cities and their future material developments. Using the brick as catalyst and the material as a question mark.
Ceramics . Wood . MetalGeneration(s) I - II2022
Due to the socio-economical crisis I was unable to travel to Lebanon for 4 years. This collection of objects is a way to capture memories of shapes and textures that can't be put into words. Memories are hard to grasp, through the act of creating and a sensitive approach, memories are shaped into objects reusing already existing designs. This series plays with repetition and automatic gesture. Shapes, sizes and textures make it possible to create a multitude of interpretations of the same “souvenir object”. Each “generation” attempts to capture new details and transform an immaterial souvenir into a 3dimensional object.
Cellular ConcreteConstruction Shoes

Construction sites are highly present in the landscape. They shape cities, they can also be unwelcoming places, noisy and space consuming. Due to safety issues these building sites are very closed spaces, where only specific people can access. After trying to access several of these sites, the conclusion arises that being a woman on a construction site is not that ordinary. The way you present yourself can influence how you will be regarded and accepted. With these platforms made of cellular concrete and connected to boots the wearer would be able to grow 30 cm taller, investing the idea that height is related to power in order to be regarded as equal. Engaging itself in a deconstruction of Gender Performance the making process aimed to find a symbolic way to translate a personal experience with construction sites.
©luciegholamLucie Gholam -  Designer Maker2023